Science and Technology Park

We are the centre for innovation and technology transfer at Palacký University Olomouc (UP). We support the creation of start-up and spin-off companies while utilising the full potential of UP. We make new technologies available and connect companies with the academic world. The UP Science and Technology Park offers a wide range of services to UP employees and students, as well as partners beyond.

What we offer:

  • technologies developed by UP scientists for licensing
  • products developed by UP scientists for commercialisation
  • facilitating measurements, analyses, and research with the possibility of long-term cooperation
  • instrumentation and services by UP experts
  • industrial 3D printing
  • super computer server for complex numerical simulations and geoinformation services
  • funding of joint projects between companies and UP
  • rental of offices, production space, laboratories, and coworking in the university campus at Šlechtitelů Street or Element Coworking in the new Envelopa Hub.

What we offer starting entrepreneurs:

  • classic or coworking office at a prestigious university address
  • networking, educational activities, competitions
  • UP Business Camp conference on the path to successful entrepreneurship
  • Enterprising Mind, the annual competition for the best business idea.

What we offer Palacký University:

  • intellectual property protection (we can advise you on industrial legal protection of your scientific idea or invention; we are the keepers of the records of the UP patent portfolio)
  • commercial use of your scientific idea or invention
  • corporate contracts for your laboratory (we will find business partners for you, support you in preparing joint projects with companies, and find funding opportunities for your project)
  • a suitable space for temporary work teams or starting a company.


  • The Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) called DIGI2Health is also part of Science of Technology Park. Olomouc University Hospital, the Science and Technology Park of Palacký University in Olomouc and the Innovation Centre of the Olomouc Region bring together a space where science and the commercial sphere meet.
  • It provides both access to digital knowledge, technologies, prototyping solutions, testing facilities, and engagement with the innovation ecosystem in the region. We believe that digitalisation is our future.

Contact us for further information:

Zaměstnanec Dr. Ing. Petr  Kubečka, MCI, RTTP

Dr. Ing. Petr Kubečka, MCI, RTTP

Ředitel VTP UP
Více, +420 585 631 449

Zaměstnanec Mgr. Petr Suchomel, Ph.D.

Mgr. Petr Suchomel, Ph.D.

Vedoucí oddělení TZT
Více, +420 739 329 981

Autor: LBG